A TAP lançou hoje a sua mais recente campanha que dá a conhecer a nova assinatura da marca - “De Braços Abertos” - e que, após o sucesso que foi o seu flashmob, pretende reforçar a sua essência como marca com forte componente emocional no relacionamento com os passageiros. A Brands Like Bands foi chamada a contribuir...
segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011
domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2011
sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

Com Steve do outro lado do Atlântico, com o seu Brand Like a Rock Star, e a Brands Like Bands na Europa faz com que sejamos actualmente os "embaixadores" mundiais desta analogia entre Marcas e Música.
Esta semana, devido ao cada vez maior número de visitas provenientes de terras do Tio Sam ao nosso blog, trocámos algumas mensagens sobre o crescente interesse nos E.UA. sobre esta nova visão sobre as marcas. Pelo meio o último álbum de Eminem veio também à conversa...
Steve: «I do hope that there is a growing interest in the connection between brands and bands, since my book Brand Like a Rock Star is all about that connection!
Part of the reason is the rise of television programs like "American Idol" and "Glee". Music is an essential part of these programs and it ties into the various product placements and sponsorships.
Another factor is that music is playing a greater role in our lives than ever before. Even though the music business of selling CD's is in serious trouble, more and more people are carrying music with them 24/7 on their smart phones and tablet computers.
I also believe that marketers are looking for new ways to understand the ways in which people bond with products. Music provides a great lens from which to look at how people connect to brands. Eminem's recent comeback is a fantastic example of how honesty and reality can connect with people. His early work was more self-important and driven by comedy skits and gimmicks. That doesn't sell anymore, in music or in branding, and Eminem's new album has connected because it is so honest, human, and real. He has exposed his vulnerabilities in the new songs and reached many new fans because of it.»
Esta semana, devido ao cada vez maior número de visitas provenientes de terras do Tio Sam ao nosso blog, trocámos algumas mensagens sobre o crescente interesse nos E.UA. sobre esta nova visão sobre as marcas. Pelo meio o último álbum de Eminem veio também à conversa...
Steve: «I do hope that there is a growing interest in the connection between brands and bands, since my book Brand Like a Rock Star is all about that connection!
Part of the reason is the rise of television programs like "American Idol" and "Glee". Music is an essential part of these programs and it ties into the various product placements and sponsorships.
Another factor is that music is playing a greater role in our lives than ever before. Even though the music business of selling CD's is in serious trouble, more and more people are carrying music with them 24/7 on their smart phones and tablet computers.
I also believe that marketers are looking for new ways to understand the ways in which people bond with products. Music provides a great lens from which to look at how people connect to brands. Eminem's recent comeback is a fantastic example of how honesty and reality can connect with people. His early work was more self-important and driven by comedy skits and gimmicks. That doesn't sell anymore, in music or in branding, and Eminem's new album has connected because it is so honest, human, and real. He has exposed his vulnerabilities in the new songs and reached many new fans because of it.»
quarta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2011

Comentário solicitado pelo BrandChannel da Interbrand (E.U.A.)
«After Dr. Dre join at Hewlett-Packard for the Beats project and Lady Gaga being named Polaroid's Creative Director was now the turn of Will.i.am, Black Eyed Peas front man, have been presented at Intel’s internal sales and marketing conference as director of creative innovation of the world’s largest chipmaker brand.
Deborah Conrad, Intel vice president, said that the hiring of Will-i-am is an example of change undertaken by the brand in the way it communicates with consumers, especially for the youngest generations, by incorporating entertainment and technology.
Music is a phenomenon which promotes many communication flows. Some songs or styles of music in particular have the power to stimulate creativity and enhancing the human development (both in individual and social perspective), in a renewing way generating new perspectives and techniques questioning old habits and acquiring new attitudes to development.
In these times, brands like bands needs to engage the disengaged and bring costumers to the stage. And we’re just at the beginning...»
Black Eyed Peas,
Brands Like Bands,
Lady Gaga
quinta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2011

Tudo começou com o Mayor de Detroit a pedir sugestões sobre formas como “limpar” a cidade, quando alguém através do Twitter aconselhou a construção de uma estátua do Robocop (um filme de 1987 sobre um policia metade humano - metade robot).
Dave Bing, o Mayor de Detroit, agradeceu mas declinou a sugestão.
Foi o suficiente para a partir daí a Imagination Station espoletar uma acção de fan raising através do Kickstarter. Com uma meta de 50.000 dólares para erguer a estátua do Robocop, com 7 metros, a ISD, em 37 dias, já arrecadou mais de 57.000 dólares. Parece que o Robocop está de volta...
- http://www.detroitneedsrobocop.com/
- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/imaginationstation/detroit-needs-a-statue-of-robocop
Dave Bing, o Mayor de Detroit, agradeceu mas declinou a sugestão.
Foi o suficiente para a partir daí a Imagination Station espoletar uma acção de fan raising através do Kickstarter. Com uma meta de 50.000 dólares para erguer a estátua do Robocop, com 7 metros, a ISD, em 37 dias, já arrecadou mais de 57.000 dólares. Parece que o Robocop está de volta...
- http://www.detroitneedsrobocop.com/
- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/imaginationstation/detroit-needs-a-statue-of-robocop

domingo, 13 de fevereiro de 2011
quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011
terça-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2011
quinta-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2011
No seguimento da nossa consultoria associada à Heartbeats: (página oficial)
Stir up some good old memories and the Baby Boomers might choose you
Bob Dylan’s latest release “Stick With Mono” proves a propensity in the market for brands that stir up memories. The tendency most likely stems from a society where consumers want idealisations from the past, projecting their feelings on a more secure and stable ground compared to the uncertainty of the present and future.
Music defines a generation. In regards to baby boomers, who could better represent or influence them like Bob Dylan, iconic and himself a baby boomer?
With his music, Dylan successfully captured an important part of the baby boomer generation. His efforts to update himself is thus not so much about attracting new fans as it is about staying relevant to the baby boomer market. Rather than embarking on the continual search of youth, looking only at what’s new and novel, Dylan has been focusing on his loyal fans; the ones who grew up with him since he played with a electric guitar in Newport Folk Festival in 1963.
A lot of brands would benefit from using the same strategy as Dylan, and stir up some good old memories. Like a Bob Dylan fan once said; “One Sound, One Brain… One Bob!”
Stir up some good old memories and the Baby Boomers might choose you
Bob Dylan’s latest release “Stick With Mono” proves a propensity in the market for brands that stir up memories. The tendency most likely stems from a society where consumers want idealisations from the past, projecting their feelings on a more secure and stable ground compared to the uncertainty of the present and future.
Music defines a generation. In regards to baby boomers, who could better represent or influence them like Bob Dylan, iconic and himself a baby boomer?
With his music, Dylan successfully captured an important part of the baby boomer generation. His efforts to update himself is thus not so much about attracting new fans as it is about staying relevant to the baby boomer market. Rather than embarking on the continual search of youth, looking only at what’s new and novel, Dylan has been focusing on his loyal fans; the ones who grew up with him since he played with a electric guitar in Newport Folk Festival in 1963.
A lot of brands would benefit from using the same strategy as Dylan, and stir up some good old memories. Like a Bob Dylan fan once said; “One Sound, One Brain… One Bob!”
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